Temporary Heat > The Benefits of Heating a Construction Site During Colder Months

The Benefits of Heating a Construction Site During Colder Months

Winter in Wisconsin is brutal; there is no doubt about that.

Harsh winter conditions can often pose significant challenges to construction projects, potentially leading to delays, safety concerns, and decreased productivity. But winter’s bitter bite does not mean that construction projects have to stop.

In many cases, construction cannot stop as a result of seasonal changes! This is due to deadlines, construction costs, and various other reasons. When it comes to construction work in cold weather states, preparation is key. The innovative technology involved with temporary heat and ground thaw equipment from Lincoln Contractors Supply needs to be implemented to keep the worksite warm and as a result, productive.

The Benefits of a Warm Worksite – Explained

Of course, construction project costs are of the utmost concern for a general contractor or construction company heading up a project. But the sacrifices you make in trying to work through Wisconsin winter months far outweigh the investment that should be made in temporary heating equipment and ground thaw equipment.

So what benefits are most notable with regard to our temporary heat and ground thaw equipment here at Lincoln Contractors Supply? Here is what we have found over our years in the business:

Maintaining Worker Comfort and Safety 

The well-being of construction workers is a top priority to us at Lincoln Contractors Supply, regardless of the weather. But it is well-known that Wisconsin can drop several degrees overnight during winter. Cold temperatures can lead to discomfort, frostbite, and other health hazards. Our temporary heating equipment provides a warm and comfortable working environment, reducing the risk of cold-related injuries and even improving morale among workers.

Enhanced Productivity

Cold weather can and will slow down construction progress as workers struggle to perform tasks efficiently in freezing conditions. Here is where both our temporary heaters and ground thaw equipment comes into play! Not only will temporary heaters keep workers warm but also prevent equipment from freezing up. Ground thaw equipment prevents the ground from being too frozen to dig into, allowing for uninterrupted work.

Preventing Material Failure

Equipment is not the only thing affected by winter weather in Wisconsin — Construction materials are equally as vulnerable. For example, new, drying concrete can often become brittle in freezing temperatures, compromising the quality and integrity of the final product. Curing of paint and coatings is also altered by lower numbers on a thermometer, so our temporary heaters help maintain the ideal temperature and low humidity levels for construction materials to be effective.

Extended Work Season

This benefit is extremely important for cold weather states in the Midwest, especially Wisconsin. Construction projects often face limitations on when they can be carried out due to weather conditions. This is put to an end by our temporary heaters and ground thaw equipment which extends the work season and allows you to work in winter altogether! An increase in company revenue opportunities for contractors is evident.

Convenient Setup from LCS

This may be solely specific to our organization, but here at Lincoln Contractors Supply we provide custom design, delivery, setup, and 24/7 service for your temporary heaters and ground thaw equipment. Our equipment comes in various sizes and types, making them adaptable to different project requirements. Whether you need a small portable heater for a specific task or a larger unit for a larger construction site, there is a solution to fit your needs.

Lincoln Contractors Supply – Providing Industry-Leading Temporary Heaters and Ground Thaw Equipment

Lincoln Building 1

It is indisputable that if you are managing a construction project in the Midwest, you will need temporary heat and ground thaw capabilities at some point.

There is no better construction equipment rental company to trust with your temporary heat and ground thaw needs than Lincoln Contractors Supply, founded right here in Wisconsin! We have 800+ high-quality temporary heating units available, operating with direct, indirect, electric, and hydronic heat options. When it comes to ground thaw equipment, we provide up to 75+ miles of ground thaw hose to accommodate even the largest construction sites.

To book your temporary heater or ground thaw equipment this fall and winter, please connect with our Climate Control Product Specialists Brady Sonnenberg at 920-381-8040 or Jason Gailey at 414-607-2703. They will assist you in selecting the exact temporary heater model or ground thaw equipment you will need, and schedule out your delivery, setup, and maintenance needs with any one of our 12+ field technicians available to you.

For further information about product specifications, please visit our website by clicking here.

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